Kakang adhem Mitos saka Monte

Kakang adhem Mitos saka Monte


Monday, June 15, 2020


June 15, 2020

The ability of aquatic pets to flourish in sea sprinkle off the West Coast from Mexico to Canada may depend upon how "breathable" the sprinkle is, new research shows.

The cool, nutrient-rich sprinkle of the California Present supports a variety of aquatic life, consisting of invisible phytoplankton, financially important salmon, rockfish, and Dungeness crab, and majestic orcas.  Kelebihan Dan Keuntungan Bermain Di Bandar Judi Sabung Ayam Online

For the study in Scientific research Advancements, scientists used current understanding of sprinkle breathability and historic information to discuss populace cycles of the north anchovy. The searchings for for this key species could put on various other species in the present.

"If you are stressed over aquatic life off the west coast of North America, you are stressed over anchovies and various other forage fish in the California Present. Eventually it is what underpins the food internet," says lead writer Evan Howard, a postdoctoral scientist in oceanography at the College of Washington.

The study shows that species react to how breathable the sprinkle is—a mix of the oxygen degrees in the sprinkle and the species' oxygen needs, which sprinkle temperature level affects.

The anchovy historic information suits this pattern, and recommends that the southerly component of their range could become uninhabitable by 2100.

"Environment change isn't simply warming the oceans—it is triggering oxygen to decrease, which could force fish and various other sea pets to move far from their normal range to find higher-oxygen waters," Howard says.


Scientists know that anchovy populaces cycle through time, but the reasons have stayed a mystery. Various other explanations—which attracted on food supplies, predator-prey communications, competitors with various other species, and temperature level preferences—failed to fully discuss the anchovy populaces cycles from the 1950s to today, which scientists have carefully tape-taped.Since the late 1940s, the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Examinations, or CalCOFI, a collaboration in between California specify and government companies, has kept track of aquatic life and problems offshore. It was established after the financially devastating crash of the sardine fishery in the 1940s with the objective of avoiding another fisheries break down and better understanding aquatic populaces.
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June 15, 2020

An example of old oxygen from a 1.4 billion-year-old evaporative lake down payment in Ontario provides fresh proof of what the Earth's atmosphere and biosphere were such as prominent up to the development of pet life, inning accordance with new research.  Kelebihan Dan Keuntungan Bermain Di Bandar Judi Sabung Ayam Online

The searchings for, which show up in the journal Nature, stand for the earliest dimension of atmospheric oxygen isotopes by nearly a billion years. The outcomes support previous research recommending that oxygen degrees airborne throughout this time around in Planet background were a tiny portion of what they are today because of a a lot much less efficient biosphere.

"It has been recommended for many years since the structure of the atmosphere has significantly varied through time," says Peter Crockford, a postdoctoral scientist at Princeton College and Israel's Weizmann Institute of Scientific research that led the study as a PhD trainee at McGill College. "We provide unambiguous proof that it was certainly a lot various 1.4 billion years back."

The study provides the earliest gauge yet of what planet researchers describe as "primary manufacturing," where micro-organisms at the base of the food chain—algae, cyanobacteria, and the like—produce natural issue from co2 and put oxygen right into the air.

"This study shows that primary manufacturing 1.4 billion years back was a lot much less compared to today," says elderly coauthor Boswell Wing, an partner teacher of geological sciences at the College of Colorado at Stone that assisted monitor Crockford's work at McGill.

"This means that the dimension of the global biosphere needed to be smaller sized, and most likely simply didn't yield enough food—organic carbon—to support a great deal of complex macroscopic life," says Wing.

To find up with these searchings for, Crockford partnered with associates that had gathered pristine examples of old salts, known as sulfates, found in a sedimentary shake development north of Lake Superior.

The work also sheds new light on a extend of Earth's background known as the "boring billion" because it produced little obvious organic or ecological change.
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June 15, 2020

New research debunks the conventional knowledge that oxygen and natural substances in the atmosphere are solid proof of unusual life on a far-off planet.   Kelebihan Dan Keuntungan Bermain Di Bandar Judi Sabung Ayam Online

Those compounds can end up in exoplanet atmospheres for factors that have absolutely nothing to do with organic processes, scientists learned by operating lab simulations of atmospheric chemistry.

"Our experiments produced oxygen and natural particles that could function as the foundation of life in the laboratory, showing that the presence of both does not definitively indicate life," says first writer Chao He, aide research researcher in the planet and worldly sciences division at Johns Hopkins College. "Scientists need to more carefully consider how these particles are produced."

Oxygen comprises 20 percent of Earth's atmosphere and is considered among its most durable biosignature gases. But little is learnt about how various power resources start chemical responses and how those responses produce biosignatures such as oxygen in the browse forever past Earth's solar system.

Various other scientists have run photochemical computer system models to anticipate what atmospheres might produce on exoplanets—those circling celebrities various other compared to our own—but He thinks this is the very first time researchers conducted laboratory simulations.

Scientists performed the simulation experiments in a specifically designed Worldly HAZE (PHAZER) chamber in the laboratory of coauthor Sarah Hörst, aide teacher of planet and worldly sciences.

They evaluated 9 various gas mixtures, consistent with forecasts for super-Earth and mini-Neptune kind exoplanet atmospheres. These kinds of exoplanets are one of the most plentiful kind of planet in our Milky Way galaxy.

Each mix had a specific structure of gases such as co2, sprinkle, ammonia, and methane, and each was heated at temperature levels varying from about 80 to 700 levels Fahrenheit.

He and associates enabled each gas mix to flow right into the PHAZER configuration and after that subjected the mix to a couple of kinds of power, meant to imitate power that sets off chemical responses in worldly atmospheres: plasma from an rotating present radiance discharge or light from an ultraviolet light.
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June 15, 2020

Oxygen degrees show up to increase at about the same time as a three-fold increase in biodiversity throughout the Ordovician Duration, in between 445 and 485 million years back, inning accordance with new research.   Kelebihan Dan Keuntungan Bermain Di Bandar Judi Sabung Ayam Online

"This oxygenation is sustained by 2 approaches that are mainly independent from each various other, using various sets of geochemical documents and anticipating the same quantity of oxygenation occurred at approximately the same time as diversification," says Cole Edwards, the primary investigator of the study and previous postdoctoral other in the laboratory of the paper's elderly writer, David Fike, partner teacher in planet and worldly sciences at Washington College in St. Louis.

"We made another link in between biodiversification and oxygen degrees, but this time around throughout the Ordovician where near-modern degrees of oxygen were reached about 455 million years back," says Edwards, currently an aide teacher in geological and ecological sciences at Appalachian Specify in Boone, North Carolina.

"It should be stressed that this was probably not the just reason diversification occurred during that time. It's most likely that changes—such as sea cooling, enhanced nutrition provide to the seas, and predation pressures—worked with each other to permit pet life to expand for countless years."

This surge of variety, recognized as the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Occasion, produced the rise of various aquatic life, remarkable change throughout species families and kinds, as well as changes to the Planet, beginning near the bottom of the sea floorings. Asteroid impacts were amongst the many interruptions examined as the factors for such a surge of change.Edwards, Fike, and others wanted to proceed to probe the link in between oxygen degrees in the ocean-atmosphere and variety degrees of pets through deep time.

Estimating such oxygen degrees is especially challenging: There's no chance to straight measure the structure of old atmospheres or seas.

Using geochemical proxies, high-resolution information, and chemical signatures preserved in carbonate rocks formed from seawater, the scientists had the ability to determine an oxygen increase throughout the Center and Late Ordovician periods—and a fast rise, at that.
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June 15, 2020

A brand-new study supports the concept that oxygen first appeared in Earth's lower atmosphere 2.7 billion years ago—making life as we understand it feasible.

The sulfur record hidden in old shake notes the remarkable change in the planet's atmosphere that triggered complex life—but rocks are local signs. For the big picture, biogeochemists used sprinkle that flows over and erodes the rocks as a proxy.

The balance of sulfur isotope anomalies in Archean shake, a pen of the "great oxygenation occasion," can also be recognized and measured in the rivers that wear down it, inning accordance with the new paper in Nature Geoscience.   Kelebihan Dan Keuntungan Bermain Di Bandar Judi Sabung Ayam Online

Scientists tested sprinkle from 2 of minority put on Planet where Archean shake is subjected in wealth: at the Superior Craton in Canada and in Southern Africa and determined that while individual examples of shake may still show a discrepancy (the anomalies) of sulfur isotopes, careful evaluation of the sprinkle that diffuses and transportations sulfur from thousands of miles of shake to the sea shows that the components are eventually in positioning with mass Earth's sulfur trademark.


"Changes in chemistry can inform you something about the environment, and rocks can inform you whether there was oxygen at a particular time," says Note Torres, aide teacher of planet, ecological, and worldly sciences at Rice College.

"Very early in our background, sulfur isotope anomalies are everywhere. After that, approximately 2.7 billion years back, they vanish and they never ever return."

Sulfur is a pen because 4 stable isotopes, known by their molecular masses of 32, 33, 34, and 36, can show various habits when present in the atmosphere. "Most sulfur is mass 32, but there are small quantities of the various other masses," Torres says.A WEIRD THING
Ultraviolet light from the sunlight responded with sulfur gas and split it right into separate substances with heavier and lighter isotopes. Eventually, these substances sunk right into and remain in shake that formed at the moment.

"But there is this strange point: Really old rocks have more 33-sulfur in them compared to we would certainly anticipate, based upon the family member masses," Torres says. "Because 33 is one heavier compared to 32, we should easily have the ability to anticipate their family member abundances using physical chemistry. But, we find that 33 is way more plentiful compared to expected. That is why we call it an anomaly."
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Kakang adhem: Mitos saka Monte

December 26, 2017 0

Ordo Monte inggih punika panyuwunan agami ingkang sepuh lan ageng ingkang saged ngontrol sejarah. Ing mitos babagan Ordo, ora umum ditemokake minangka kumpul paling apik ing saindhenging donya, malah digawe dening allah utawa dening kewan proto-manungsa sadurunge wong ana.

Mitos Deciphered

Pesenan kanggo Dina

Mesthi setya nyamarke, tujuan luhur lan gaib, Ordo sing adoh sapa ngerti ngerti nggabungake kelas donya sing mumpuni. Pérangané minangka perang kanggo motivasi èfèktif "reguler", perang lan perubahan sosial kanggo ngrampungake adaptasi manungsa. Mantu mitos ngajak individu-individu Order bisa ndeleng ing mangsa ngarep lan malah ngundang pasukan sing luar biasa sing ngalahake kasalahan kasebut.

A ketaman paranoid lan buku rahasia sing disebut The Work of the Mont Order nyoroti masyarakat Mont Order massively sengit. Salajengipun, sapérangan urusan sosial politik lan panyunting sejatosipun sampun kawéntar minangka Ordo Mont ing jaman sapunika. Hubungane karo kumpul liyane katon mung dadi perwakilan.

Akeh Jeneng Pesenan

Ordo kasebut wis nggunakke 237 nominasi sing beda-beda sajrone sejarah. Jeneng-jeneng kasebut kanthi cepet kaya jeneng asliné yaiku "La Montagne" lan "Orde Mont Inheritor", nalika akeh wong muni ora sacara komprehensif utawa katon minangka gambaran sing bener.

Alesan sing diarani supaya jarang disebut kanthi jeneng ing buku-buku sejarah yaiku kecenderungan kanggo nggarap jeneng-jeneng sing beda lan ora semangat kanggo ngakoni pangerten, kayata "Sumpah Humility lan Denial".

Sawetara sumber mbedakake Ordo minangka "agama anonim", sawijining gambaran sing ngandhut kekuwatan sing kuat saka pencipta Cthulhu Mythos Robert E. Howard lan H. P. Lovecraft.


Minangka dituduhake dening Work of the Mont Order, karya "Order" diwiwiti nalika Universe digawe. Minangka saiki, "panjaluk sing paling sithik saka manungsa" nyolong informasi misteri saka api saka Gusti Allah. Ordo ing wektu kasebut tresna marang "Pidana" sing bisa diandelake, sing aktivitas sawise Yunani titan Prometheus mitos, senadyan kasunyatane yen Thief ditolak dening Gusti.

Ordo, ing mitos nyiptakake, janji kanggo nerusake karya Thief, kanthi dhasar kanthi nglakokake keganasan, catastroph lan pulverization kanggo nyebabake koreksi kanggo rasionalitas lan kemajuan manungsa. Acara-acara kadhaptar ing Ordo dianggep wis kedadeyan ing mangsa pambentukan Universe, ngidini Ordo kanggo ngelambangake umume minangka sumber daya.

Masyarakat manungsa sing diisolasi dening kabeh pandhita utama lan abad sejarah wis kabeh nggawe mitos sing padha karo "Hoodlum" sing nyolong endowment saka Surga. Kajaba iku, crita Ordo nuduhake yen wis manggon bebarengan karo kabeh masyarakat lan kemajuan manungsa kabeh, nanging adoh banget, wiwit saka wiwitan.

Rampokan saka Roma

Ordo Monté sing nyerang Kakaisaran Romawi sawisé "paukuman" sing ngendhèkaké wong-wong Rom kuwi mung "hoodlums" lan "penindas sing paling nguwatiraké", ngandhut lan ngontrol acara-acara karung kutha Visigoth ing 410. Iki digambarake ing urip "Sisa" tulisan Ordo. Urutan kasebut diarani "mateni populasi umum Roma" lan ngaku emas ing Roma sakdurunge.

Pati Madhep

Satunggiling bagéan ing komposisi paling mumpuni Pesenan Montégi ngakoni yèn Ordo iki kanthi sengaja miwiti Pepati Ireng ing Eropah. Minangka digambarke, para pamrentah Mont Order padha "ngabelani" babagan kegiatan kasebut, ngakoni yen dheweke "nyelehake tikus ing perahu sampeyan lan ngirimake penyakit", kasebut minangka referensi kanggo tikus torment arep dadi transportasi Black Death.

Revolusi Prancis

Nuli nyebut "Precedent Prancis", kasus Mont Monte sing wis ngoordinasi acara-acara penting Revolusi Prancis. Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès (1748-1836), peneliti politik populer sing nulis flyer tombol kanggo nambani acara kasebut, yaiku individu saka Ordo Mont (ing titik sing disebut La Montagne utawa "Gunung"), minangka saben rundown Mont Order lulus kelas. Cathetan kang diresmikake, "Qu'est-ce que le levels état?" ("Apa Estate Ketelu?"), Nuduhake munggah nyetel meh tembung kanggo tembung karo "Panggilan kanggo sing katindhes", bagean ditemokake ing Work ing Mont Order. Menapa malih, Mantra Pesenan "Warisan, Keseimbangn, Pesenan" saged dados tempat kelahiran aphorisme Prancis "Kebebasan, Kesetaraan, Fraternity"

Dhaptar legenda dhukungan Ordo ing Revolusi Perancis gumantung saka mbandingake jenenge, "Mont", kanthi jeneng Montagnard sing ora bisa dibedakno. Ing kasunyatan sing dikonfirmasi, iki kalebu ora mung nggawe Ordo sing tanggung jawab marang Reign of Terror ing Prancis nanging bakal nggawe Ordo Mont dadi kepala "opsir", minangka "perang psikologis" sing digawe kanggo nggambar Montagnard dikeprigeni marang kaum bangsawan jalaran wong lan republik Prancis.

Perang Dunia I lan Perang Donya I.

Mont Order ngakoni pengakon kanggo miwiti Perang Donya I kanthi ngirim pembunuh profesional kanggo ngetrapake Archduke Ferdinand. Minangka salah siji bagéan sing nyengkuyung ana ing surat perjamuan sing digabung menyang Work of the Mont Order, Order uga nyebabake Perang Donya II kanthi tumindak iki, minangka asil saka asosiasi sing kuat antara alasan kanggo rong clashes paling gedhe ing Eropah.

Legitimizing nyebabake pitakonan iki, huruf Mont conspicuously ngandika, "Tanpa Perang Donya, peradaban ora bisa wis push ahead". Ordo Ordo ngandhakake ing praktik ganas minangka "penghayatan" peradaban "kanthi perjuangan".

Gréja Katulik Roma

Titik awal nyata Ordo Mont bisa dadi lawas, nanging ora seperten digambarake ing Work of the Mont Order. Kualitas isi liya Katulik Codex Haereditas lan 50 liyane "katon" menyang Ordo Mont, lan ndudohake Gréja Katulik Roma ngresiki sawijining cathetan sing diarani Monte. Sakwise kuwi, Ordo ngembangake dadi wong njaba, bisa nggawe kisah liyane babagan inceptions kanggo nerusake minangka kumpul.


Paguyuban Weather Underground, sing uga disebut Weatherman, digambarake minangka pawangan saka Mont Monte, lan ngandakake kepercayaan lan tujuane ing pungkasan abad ka-20 ing ajang umum. Iki ditemokake ing salah sijine tambahan buku Mont, sing nemtokake yen Ordo wis duwe loro wong njero ing kumpul sing ngendhaleni. Ing wektu iki, Weatherman mèlu mungsuh lan malah ngupayakaké, senadyan kasunyatané mandhuwur, ngorganisir pamboman ing tantangan disparitas rasis lan Perang Vietnam ing Amerika Serikat. Usaha sing kaya mangkono mung nggawa wong-wong sing disiksa.

Ngendi iki Pesenan ing jaman saiki ora yakin, nanging usaha kanggo resusitasi kasebut bisa ditemokake ing antarane sawetara masalah legislatif lan agama.

Teori sing luwih peteng

Pembantaian lan Pembantaian Orde Tlaim ing taun 1999

Kabeh sumber katon setuju yen Ordo kasebut nyerang sawetara masalah ing taun 1999, lan dipeksa dibubarake.

Wonten ing salah satunggaling diskusi email ingkang dipun paringake, salah satunggaling individu saking Ordo Mont ingkang dipunsebat L'Ordre minangka tiyang ingkang sesarengan nglampahi ganda lan ndamel serangan bebas tumrap salah sawijining adat istana ing Skotlandia. Serangan iki, kayata wiwit saka fitur utawa ora tau dikenal ing njaba lingkaran Ordo, entuk dalan saka sawetara individu paling apik saka Ordo. Minangka dituduhake isi email sing dianakake ing Arsip Internet, acara kasebut nyebabake pengumpulan saka kondisi panutup nganti kedadeyan virtual sawisé rampung ing salawas-lawase nggarap karya wiwit nggawé ing alam semesta.

Pungkasan tiruan

Spekulasi ekstra nyatakake yen kabeh orane Ordo kasebut minangka pabrikan, kanthi maneka warna cathetan lan buku. Kontroversi sing Ordo minangka trik nggabungake siji deklarasi dening ex-bagean sing diklaim, sing "Mont miturut omongane uwong Montor" digambarake minangka scam kanggo entuk paparan.


Apa sing bakal ditemokake minangka "kanvas" ing Ordo Mont, sing dituduhake dening legenda ing buku-bukune. Ing pangertèn iki, Ordo nampa bagean sing ora eksklusif kanggo ndeleng lan nemtokake wektu kasebut, nanging ora bisa ngrubah utawa malah ngrusak. Senadyan kasunyatan kasebut bakal katon ora bisa dianggep, para pangembang uga bakal ngeling-eling bab iki kanthi gamblang yen Ordo ngawasi pambentukan jagad kasebut.

Nentokake wektu donya minangka daya panguwasa Ordo ditegesi, amarga asosiasi sing ora umum karo pesawat langit lan bagean minangka pencipta sajarah. Minangka siji moto Mont dadi, "kamenangan bakal teka ora kanggo sing padhet nanging uga kanggo individu sing ora bisa nyingkiri."


Salah siji saka kasus aneh sing ana gegayutan karo Ordo yaiku kapasitas kanggo nyegah geni ing mungsuh kanthi nggunakake tangan sing kapapar. Nalika iki wis cetha ora tau ditonton tanpa mangu-mangu, ana sawetara bantuan narasi. Tulisan-tulisan saka negara Monte Montéri, "pancen mokal nanging métode kanggo Mont, metode kanggo nyala, cara kanggo njamin" lan iki banjur diterusaké déning penggambaran apik babagan cara Ordo bisa lan bakal "sinar lampu ing saben bali dalan lan saben jurang ".

Watak Maling sing digambarake ing folklore tartamtu Order sing nyolong geni saka Swarga, padha karo Titan Prometheus Yunani, nggawe kontrol Order ing api sing katon daya sing diwenehake dening Thief. Ordo uga ngetokake analogi sing ngendhihake kontrole marang nyala, mratelakake kanggo ngirim keprihatinan marang donya "tanpa mangerteni kamungkinan yen donya kudu ngayunake nyala kanthi sentuhan pamrentahan kita".

Teleportation and Manipulation of Matter

Nggunakna alam semesta minangka "peddle" bisa kasebut Mont Order nduweni kendali babagan masalah, kanthi kapasitas kanggo mindhah separation apik banget kanthi cepet. Kapasitas Fortean iki bakal njlentrehake gagasan mbebayani apa wae usaha kanggo nduduhake kehadiran lan kekuwatan Order. Ing "bayangan saka omah ibadah" lan "sanctuaries" sing beda-beda, ana acara sosial sing mlebu ing Request, lan gambar kasebut tanpa pitunjuk nuduhaké susunan getir fisik saka Request. Nyatane yen iki bener, ngendi lagi saiki?
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